Saturday, 15 March 2014

Effective Treatment For Recurrent Pregnancy loss

Recurrent Pregnancy loss (RPL) is one space of reproductive medication that's crammed with differences and confusion.Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) has been inconsistently defined. When defined as 3 consecutive pregnancy losses prior to 20 weeks from the last menstrual period, it affects approximately 1% to 2% of women.

Spontaneous pregnancy loss can be physically and emotionally taxing for couples, especially when faced with recurrent losses. Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL), also referred to as recurrent miscarriage or habitual abortion.

Most pregnancy losses result from chromosomal, or genetic, abnormalities, and are random events. The abnormality may come from the egg, the sperm, or the early embryo.
Sometimes, there could be an abnormality in the uterus (the womb) that leads to miscarriage. The miscarriage may be due to poor blood supply to the pregnancy or inflammation. Some women may be born with an irregularly shaped uterus, and some women may develop abnormalities with their uterus over time.

Some conditions are known to lead to miscarriage. Others have been linked to it but it's not fully understood how or why they may play a part. Conditions that can lead to recurrent miscarriage are often rare. They include.

  • Genetic problems
  • An inherited blood-clotting disorder
  • Problems with your uterus
  • A problem with your hormone levels
  • Infection

The Proper treatment may help to avoiding the miscarriage.Treatment of a miscarriage, once it has begun, depends on your symptoms. The primary goal of treatment during and after a miscarriage is to prevent hemorrhaging and infection.

Smile Baby IVF Clinic, Bangalore provides effective Recurrent Pregnancy loss treatments.We  offers a comprehensive range of fertility services :  IVF treatments, ICSI, Surrogacy options, Egg and sperm donation, Freezing, Blastocyst Transfer and gynecological services that are among the best in the region. We pride ourselves in our ability to offer all our patients the very best care.

Smile Baby IVF Clinic ,the best fertility clinic in Bangalore offers infertility treatments with better patient satisfaction.

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