Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Using ICSI Procedure to Get Pregnant

ICSI is the most successful form of treatment for couples that are dealing with male factor infertility and for those who have not had success with IVF in the past.


Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) involves injecting a single sperm directly into an egg in order to fertilise it. The fertilised egg (embryo) is then transferred to the woman’s womb. 

As with standard IVF treatment, you will be given fertility drugs to stimulate your ovaries to develop several mature eggs for fertilisation. When your eggs are ready for collection, you and your partner will undergo separate procedures.

the statistics are showing that the icsi success rates are increasing. Overall the icsi success rates are 65%, although there have been reports of success at 80%.

There are five main steps to the ICSI procedure

  •  A sperm sample is taken from your partner's semen or surgically extracted from his testes or epididymis
  • Your eggs are surgically extracted from your ovaries.
  • Using a tiny hollow needle, one sperm is carefully injected into an egg.
  • After injection, the fertilized egg is observed for growth and development.
  • Once normal growth is observed, the embryo will be implanted into your uterus where it has a chance to implant and grow.

What are the advantages of ICSI?

  •  ICSI may give you and your partner a chance of conceiving your genetic        child   when other options are closed to you.
  • If your partner is too anxious to ejaculate on the day of egg collection for standard IVF, sperm can instead be extracted for ICSI.
  •  ICSI can also be used to help couples with unexplained infertility. Standard IVF is the usual approach, though, as ICSI and IVF pregnancy rates are very similar and IVF is a less complex treatment.
  • ICSI doesn't appear to affect the long-term health and development of children conceived via the procedure. 


How long does ICSI treatment last ?
             One cycle of ICSI takes between four weeks and six weeks to complete. You and your partner can expect to spend a full day at the clinic for the egg and sperm retrieval procedures. You'll go back anywhere between two days and six days later for the embryo transfer procedure.
Smile Baby IVF Clinic ,the best fertility clinic in Bangalore offers infertility treatments with better patient satisfaction.

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Friday, 6 December 2013

Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Treatment for Fertility

ICSI is reproductive technological procedure performed under laboratory procedure to help infertile couples undergoing In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) due to severe male factor infertility.

Though this treatment process may somewhat seem similar to the In Vitro Fertilization, there is a thin line of difference between the two. This surgical process is mostly opted for infertility treatment when the male partner fails to produce quantity sperms. Unlike the former where gynecologists collect both eggs and sperms from a couple and evaluate it externally in a laboratory, in this method doctors inject the sperm directly to the ovary of the woman, thus leaving little scope to chance.


ICSI treatment may be employed in variety of various cases however is often used once the male partner includes a low spermatozoon count or has lazy spermatozoon. The individual spermatozoon may be checked for effectuality before it's injected into associate egg and this enables for the selective selecting of the strongest and most agile spermatozoon. this may typically increase the probability of conceiving and turning into pregnant.

ICSI treatment enjoys a similar rate of success to IVF treatment and one of the greatest benefits for many hopeful couples is that it speeds up the conception process. While it may take several days or weeks to conceive naturally, using ICSI reduces this time to just a couple of days. However, this is not a suitable reason for using this technique and ICSI should only be considered in those cases whether other forms of fertility treatment and natural conception have been exhausted.

ICSI Treatment is considered an effective and beneficial form of infertility treatment. It uses some of the same techniques as IVF treatment but is typically used where the male partner does not have enough sperm or where his sperm are inactive or abnormally shaped. It may be used when all other forms of infertility treatment have not worked because the laboratory conditions in which the egg is fertilised may improve the likelihood of becoming pregnant.


Smile Baby IVF Clinic ,the best fertility clinic in Bangalore offers infertility treatments with better patient satisfaction.

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Friday, 29 November 2013

Laparoscopic Surgery for Gynecological Problem

Laparoscopic surgery, also called ''minimally invasive surgery'' (MIS)'', bandaid surgery'', ''keyhole surgery'' is a modern surgical technique in which operations in the abdomen are performed through small incisions (usually 0.5–1.5 cm) as compared to larger incisions needed in traditional surgical procedures. 


Laparoscopy is the most common procedure used to diagnose and remove mild to moderate endometriosis. Instead of using a large abdominal  incision, the surgeon inserts a lighted viewing instrument called a laparoscope through a small incision.


Endometriosis surgery is normally indicated for women who are not responding to other forms of medical treatment. The most common form of endometriosis treatment is using drugs to control hormone levels, namely estrogen, in a woman's body. Controlling the amount of estrogen has a limiting effect on the growth of endometrial tissue.

If a woman is postmenopausal and a cyst is discovered, the chances of ovarian cancer are much greater and a physician will very likely explore the issue with the laparotomy...or open surgery because the ovaries may need to be removed. In fact, many surgeons will suggest this open, traditional surgery if the patient is over thirty five years old because of the increased risk of cancer. Although Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy is an option to eliminating ovarian cysts, it should certainly NOT be the first treatment considered


Smile Baby IVF Clinic ,the best fertility clinic in Bangalore offers infertility treatments with better patient satisfaction.

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Thursday, 21 November 2013

Affordable Test Tube Baby Procedure India

Anything which occurs outside the body is called in vitro and when fertilization egg with sperm occurs outside the body it is called "in vitro fertilization". The first In Vitro fertilization was done in the test tube and that is why it is popularly known as Test tube Baby.

Test tube baby process or Infertility IVF or IVF -In Vitro Fertilization is the one which is conceived outside the woman's womb.The sperm of man and the egg taken from the woman's ovaries are fertilized within a test tube in the laboratory. Once successful fertilization is completed, the embryo is then transplanted into the woman's uterus to complete the pregnancy. The embryo won't survive within the test tube and needs to be transplanted to the woman's uterus for its normal growth.Normally this procedure is a part of the IVF (in vitro fertilisation) technique and is done in patients who have problems conceiving normally.


The process of fertilization which normally in fallopian tube of the woman and fertilized egg than moves into the uterus of the woman. It an implants there in to the uterus and developed into the baby. When for some reason this process of fertilization cannot take place naturally or sperm and egg cannot be transported naturally to the tube or from the tube to the uterus or either is egg having some problem or the sperm.

For whom test tube baby procedure is done?
If the female partner has both the fallopian tubes blocked or the female is suffering from severe endometriosis or the husband is very small number of motile and normal sperms or any other reason by which the fertilization which occurs in outer part of the fallopian tube does not take place.

Cost of Test Tube Baby Procedure in India is less than other countries. Smile Baby IVF Clinic, Bangalore Offers affordableTest Tube Baby procedure.
Smile Baby IVF Clinic ,the best fertility clinic in Bangalore offers infertility treatments with better patient satisfaction.

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Friday, 15 November 2013

Acheive Pregnancy Through ICSI Procedure India

Bangalore is named as “Garden City ” of India. Bangalore is becoming an emerging destination for assisted reproduction procedures. In India ICSI treatment cost is very much less than other countries.


Intra Cytoplasmic sperm Injection (ICSI)

ICSI is a procedure where the embryologist directly injects a single sperm into the egg, causing fertilization. This may be helpful in cases where there is poor quality sperm from the male partner, or where there is an issue with the egg where fertilization can’t occur due to changes in the membranes surrounding the egg.


ICSI is typically used in cases of severe male infertility, including:

  • Very low sperm count (also known as oligospermia)
  • Abnormally shaped sperm (also known as teratozoospermia)
  • Poor sperm movement (also known as asthenozoospermia)


Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection is done under a microscope, using microinjectors and micropipettes. The mature oocyte is stabilized with a holding pipette. A single sperm, washed or unwashed, is immobilised by having its tail cut off with the point of the micropipette, and then it's collected. The oolemma and the inner part of the oocyte (cytoplasm) is pierced by the micropipette, and then the sperm is then released into the oocyte. After the procedure, the oocyte will be placed into cell culture and checked on the following day for signs of fertilization.


Smile Baby IVF Clinic, Bangalore Offers affordable icsi treatment.

Smile Baby IVF Clinic ,the best fertility clinic in Bangalore offers infertility treatments with better patient satisfaction.

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Friday, 27 September 2013

Affordable Infertility Treatment India

Bangalore is named as “Garden City ” of India. Bangalore is becoming an emerging destination for assisted reproduction procedures. In India IVF/ICSI treatment cost is very much less than other countries.

The charges are vary according to the doctors experince, hospital and location, mainly depending on the pre and post operating procedures in a typical IVF/IUI cycle.

Some specialists operate across multiple hospitals/clinics, and even for the same IVF/IUI specialist, the cost can vary a lot. I have observed prices are almost 50 % lower in smaller clinics, but price should not be criteria for selection, the doctor and the facilities should stand first.

Best IVF Center Bangalore
IUI Cost = 5000, IVF Cost = 1.2 Lakhs, ICSI Cost = 1.2 lakhs
All these costs are includes  follicular, pelvic scans, medicines.

Dr. Mangala Devi Ms (OBG), is a Consultant Infertility Specialist & Gynecologist/Obstetrician, she is one of the best fertility specialists in Bangalore. Smile Baby IVF Clinic, Bangalore is one of the top infertility center in India. We offer infertility treatments at affordable price.

The Bangalore Infertility Scene:
With the proliferation of so many new centers and major hospitals expanding their foray into this highly lucrative and profitable vertical, there has been no decrease in prices. They have constantly gone upwards by an average of 20-25% every year. There is no regulatory legislation to govern these clinics in India. The demand is ever increasing due to more and more young people getting married and finding it hard to go to next stage of family. Well one can always say that IT/ITES does not give you chance to lead a healthy lifestyle , but do not forget that it’s not just in Bangalore , but the trend is visible across India.
It is not a lifestyle disorder, but the decrease in fertility rates is a country wide phenomenon. We just happen to be in Bangalore where we are just a bit more expressive and vocal on internet, as compared to other towns.

The infertility centers (except in one case) do not advertise their rates. The reason might be that they do not want to lose the flexibility in deciding the clinical charges on demand. There is a race between the fertility clinics to get the most rated doctors in their hospitals.
Our readers don’t want fancy statistics from all those 5 star hospitals.
Our questions and expectations are fairly straight.

1.     How many successful and unsuccessful procedures you do? (Describing success in IUI, IVF or ICSI in terms of % is a very elusive.)
2.     What are the possible side effects one can have while undergoing these procedures?
3.     What are the assurances regarding the quality of donor eggs and donor sperms?
4.     How many pregnancies resulting in miscarriage?
5.     How many pregnancies resulting in premature babies?
6.     How many babies are born healthy?
7.     Did patients report any issues in healthy babies having any genetic issues like autistic tendencies or other retardation?

Smile Baby IVF Clinic ,the best fertility clinic in Bangalore offers infertility treatments with better patient satisfaction.

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Wednesday, 21 August 2013

IVF Procedure- Best Solution for Infertility Problem

If you have had trouble conceiving, then you may be wondering if you will be able to experience the joys of pregnancy. Fortunately, there are many fertility treatments available, including in vitro fertilization, or IVF

IVF is usually a preferred method of treatment if a couple has been trying to have a baby for quite some time. It is a process of fertilizing an egg by a sperm outside the body.

The vaginal wall is pierced with this thin needle and fluid is gathered which contain the eggs. There are about 10-20 eggs that are selected for this process. Once they are collected, they are combined with the male's sperm, and if the sperm count is too low, sperm is directly placed in the eggs.
Once this fuse is finalized, the eggs are kept in the lab in a petri-dish or an incubator to allow them to become fertilized for an average of 2 days. This is going to give adequate amount of time for embryos to form, and of the selected eggs, the ones that look the best are selected for injection.
The final stage consists of the embryos being implanted into the uterus. A thin catheter or tube is used to do this and it is inserted not the cervix for best results. Depending on fertility issues of the woman as well as the age, this is going to determine the amount of eggs that are injected. Once the eggs have been injected, you are going to be able to go about your daily activities.
After about 2 weeks, you will be asked to come back in for a check-up to see how things are going. You will be given a pregnancy test to see if the procedure helped and resulted in a pregnancy.

• Infertility can result from various reasons. For certain types of infertility, IVF really boosts the chances of pregnancy.
• Women with blocked fallopian tubes stand a good chance with IVF treatment.
• Men having a low sperm count stand to gain immensely from IVF.
• Weak sperm that is unable to fertilize the egg naturally responds well to IVF.
• With already created embryos, the sperm omits the need to find its way into the woman's reproductive tract.
• IVF provides infertile couples with the option of choosing donor eggs in cases where the female partner may have issues with her own eggs including premature ovarian failure.
Surrogate IVF uses eggs from the donor and the woman's partner's sperm to create embryos in the lab.
• This kind of assisted reproduction provides two options - one, the embryo can be implanted into the donor's womb or into the woman's uterus.

 Cost of Ivf treatment in India is less than other countries. Smile Baby IVF Clinic, Bangalore Offers affordable ivf treatment.
Smile Baby IVF Clinic ,the best fertility clinic in Bangalore offers infertility treatments with better patient satisfaction.

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Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Best Infertility Clinic Bangalore

For many people, the greatest goal in their life is to become a mother or father. Creating and raising a child with someone you love is probably the most amazing experience a human being can have. Infertility clinics may offer several services for couples who are having infertility trouble.

If you have been trying and failing to conceive for more than six months, you may be considering visiting an infertility clinic. Smile Baby IVF Clinic offers a comprehensive range of fertility services: IUI treatments, IVF treatments, ICSI, Surrogacy options, Egg and sperm donation, Freezing, Blastocyst Transfer and gynecological services that are among the best in the region.

A doctor will often spend time with the patient or the couple to determine the cause of their infertility. While there may be several causes of infertility, a series of tests or examinations may be conducted before the doctor can confidently determine the precise cause. Patients with questions or concerns about the tests or examinations used should speak with a medical professional regarding this issue.


--Ovulation Induction
--Sperm Banking
--Oozyte Banking
--Hormone Assays
--Preganancy Loss Evaluation
--Scaning with Colour Doppler

Smile Baby IVF Clinic ,the best fertility clinic in Bangalore offers infertility treatments with better patient satisfaction.

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Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Fertility Problem and Possible Solutions

Making a baby isn't always easy. Even if neither of you have fertility problems, you have only a 25% chance of falling pregnant each cycle. Many doctors will not consider a couple has a fertility problem until they have been trying for a baby for at least one year.

Infertility can be caused by several factors such as problems with the reproductive system, hormone imbalance or other factors such as un healthy lifestyle and stress. Problems with the reproductive system can occur in both men and women. Hence, it is not correct to assume that fertility problems occur only on females. Ovulation problems can occur on females and can cause the couple's inability to produce an offspring.

Smile Baby IVF Clinic, Bangalore, one of the famous fertility clinic in India,offers various fertility treatments at affordable rates. The fertility treatments are carried out under the guidance ofDr. Mangala Devi, the experienced and renowned infertility doctor in India.

Infertility treatments include:





Infertility Treatment Services includes:

--Ovulation Induction

--Sperm Banking

--Oozyte Banking

--Hormone Assays
--Preganancy Loss Evaluation

--Scaning with Colour Doppler

Compared to other foreign countries, the fertility treatments are carried out at affordable rate in India.

Smile Baby IVF Clinic ,the best fertility clinic in Bangalore offers infertility treatments with better patient satisfaction.

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