Making a baby isn't always easy. Even if neither of you have fertility problems, you have only a 25% chance of falling pregnant each cycle. Many doctors will not consider a couple has a fertility problem until they have been trying for a baby for at least one year.
Infertility can be caused by several factors such as problems with the reproductive system, hormone imbalance or other factors such as un healthy lifestyle and stress. Problems with the reproductive system can occur in both men and women. Hence, it is not correct to assume that fertility problems occur only on females. Ovulation problems can occur on females and can cause the couple's inability to produce an offspring.

Smile Baby IVF Clinic, Bangalore, one of the famous fertility clinic in India,offers various fertility treatments at affordable rates. The fertility treatments are carried out under the guidance ofDr. Mangala Devi, the experienced and renowned infertility doctor in India.

Infertility treatments include:

Infertility Treatment Services includes:
--Ovulation Induction
--Sperm Banking
--Oozyte Banking
--Hormone Assays
--Preganancy Loss Evaluation
--Scaning with Colour Doppler

Compared to other foreign countries, the fertility treatments are carried out at affordable rate in India.
--Scaning with Colour Doppler

Compared to other foreign countries, the fertility treatments are carried out at affordable rate in India.
Smile Baby IVF Clinic ,the best fertility clinic in Bangalore offers infertility treatments with better patient satisfaction.
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